Drugstore shelves, household medicine cabinets and refrigerators are filled with any and all manner of medications. Easily available over-the-counter or prescribed by a trusted pediatrician, they are our reliable go-to partners in to stave off the many bouts of sickness that abound in virus-friendly weather conditions. On top of that, there are the everyday places and situations that crawl with bacteria unseen by the naked eye.
Needless to say, everyday life is a minefield, where you can be healthy one minute and in the next be on the verge of many absent days from work or school.
The immune system under stress and attack
Our immune system is the body’s first defense against such contingencies. When it fails (as it sometimes does) and we still get sick.
A weak response results in the virus or bacteria multiplying too fast for our immune system to keep up, and therefore we succumb to sickness.
An overstimulated response, especially in the case of allergies, can produce sticky mucus and constricted airways that exacerbate the problem.
What’s the story with ImmunoMax?
Beta-glucans are a group of active polysaccharides, a safe all-natural fiber molecule derived from cell walls in yeast, fungi and seaweed. Beta-glucans have been called nature’s powerful medicine, being found to help heal wounds quickly and fight infections. It is, in fact, the most researched natural immunomodulator.
The more soluble version of Beta-glucan is CM-glucan.
The development of CM-glucan
CM-glucan started with Mibelle Biochemistry, a Swiss company specializing in research and the development of active ingredients. In 1994, it launched CM-glucan. Led by Dr. Fred Zulli and a small team of technicians, CM-glucan was Mibelle Biochemistry’s first and, even after two decades, still top-selling active ingredient.
More than just the bad weather, the wet season also comes with many threats on the health of your kids. The good thing is there are things that could help prevent your children from getting sick. And when you find the right balance in doing all these things, your kids stay safe and healthy during the rainy days.
It is every human’s instinct to protect its own. From the second you were born, you were cradled and protected by your mother. And as you grew, so did your immune system, your body’s natural defense.