
Hum-Bug! Avoid colds or other upper respiratory tract infection this season.

If you’re concerned about your health, search “CM-Glucan”. It’s the only ingredient in Immunomax, the immunomodulator

Published: 19:27 PM, September 04, 2016

The holidays are just over the horizon! But along with the promise of upcoming festivities are other less jolly things, like holiday stress, increased traffic and pollution, and increased allergens. The cold air and close contact is a breeding ground for viruses waiting to have a party in your body. Worry not — we’ve made a list to keep you free from naughty sickness, so you stay feeling nice and healthy.

Hum-Bug! Avoid colds or other upper respiratory tract infection this season.

Wash your hands

As repetitive as it may sound, hand-washing cannot be stressed enough. It is the simplest way to prevent the spread of viruses. You can get the virus from doorknobs, appliances, and many more places, including other hands. When the virus is on your skin, guess what happens when you touch your nose? Sniff!

More than just washing, the point is to prevent the spread of the virus. Try not to catch it, but try not to spread it either.

Get enough sleep and proper nourishment

Sleep rebuilds cells. Try to get at least 7 hours of snoozetime to fully recover from your day’s activities. A proper diet on the other hand, provides your body with enough nourishment for your well-rested cells.

Overall, these lifestyle practices keep your immune system healthy, minimizing your vulnerability to viruses.

Keep a balanced immune system

Sometimes, threats to our immune system cannot be avoided. A poor environment, stress and even aging can cause imbalances in our immune system. When our immune system is imbalanced, it becomes vulnerable to viruses. Thankfully, you can take an immunomodulator like ImmunoMax to balance your cells. If you want to find out more about ImmunoMax and it’s only ingredient CM-glucan, click here.

Surviving the flu season is based on 3 things: prevention of spreading, a healthy lifestyle, and a balanced immune system. With all these things in check, you can go through the next sakit season, sniffle-free!

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