Can You Keep Up with A Busy Lifestyle?

No matter how old you are or what you do for a living, you will always have responsibilities to attend to. Pending tasks at work, going out with friends, and spending quality time with the family are just some of the few things you might be doing daily. Eventually, you will find yourself in a routine—a busy one, but one that you’re comfortable with.

There are many looming threats to your everyday routine, and asthma or allergies may be one of those. These conditions happen because your immune system may be overactive. An overactive immune system means that your immune system reacts to harmless substances called allergens, triggering allergic reactions that may lead to Asthma.

Just think of the inconvenience caused by having Asthma or Allergies.

Important meetings? Cancelled.
Movie night with friends? Rescheduled.
Out of town with the family? Becomes a hassle.

Now, this is where you have to ask yourself, “Can I keep up with my busy lifestyle?”. The answer should always be “yes!”.

You just have to take care of yourself and find the right balance with Immunomax.
It is made with pure CM-Glucan that acts as a natural immunomodulator.
It brings back the balance in your immune system, strengthening your defense against Asthma and allergies.

Take Immunomax daily!

Watch out! You could be unintentionally harming your immune system with these bad habits. Read this article and find out how you can bring balance back to your immune system with Immunomax: Made with pure CM-Glucan.

Late night binge-watching1. Late night binge-watching

We’ve all fallen into that “one last episode” trap. No matter how binge-worthy that show is, you need to avoid having all-night marathons. This could lead to sleep deprivation, and without ample rest, your immune cells will fall out of balance.
Stress-eating2. Stress-eating

Prolonged stress is already bad for your immune system, and stuffing yourself with unhealthy food only makes it worse. Stress-eating can spike up your sugar levels and curb your immune cells that attack bacteria, leaving you prone to fatigue and sickness. If you really need to eat your stress away, try snacking on healthier alternatives instead.
Drinking alcohol3. Drinking alcohol

Everyone knows that alcohol is bad for the liver but did you know that it also weakens your immune system? Excessive or frequent drinking can make you more susceptible to colds, flu, or other illnesses, so think about that before you reach for another glass.
Smoking4. Smoking

If you’re looking for more reasons to quit smoking, here’s another harmful side effect. Frequent exposure to smoke and the harmful toxins from cigarettes, as well as outdoor pollution, can leave your immune system imbalanced.
New habit to start5. A new habit to start

We know these habits can be hard to avoid and there’s nothing wrong with indulging every once in a while, however, you should balance them out with healthy habits, too. If you want to make a more conscious effort to improve your immune system, you can start by taking Immunomax Capsule.

Immunomax is made with pure CM-Glucan, which helps in maintaining the balance of your immune system. It comes in 2 variants:

  • Immunomax 10mg Capsule—  recommended for maintenance and for people with mild recurring coughs and colds
  • Immunomax Forte 30mg Capsule—recommended for people with moderate to severe coughs and colds or frequently occuring asthma and allergic rhinitis symptoms

Immunomax is available in all leading drugstores, but you can purchase online here.

Drugstore shelves, household medicine cabinets and refrigerators are filled with any and all manner of medications.  Easily available over-the-counter or prescribed by a trusted pediatrician, they are our reliable go-to partners in to stave off the many bouts of sickness that abound in virus-friendly weather conditions.  On top of that, there are the everyday places and situations that crawl with bacteria unseen by the naked eye.

Needless to say, everyday life is a minefield, where you can be healthy one minute and in the next be on the verge of many absent days from work or school.

The immune system under stress and attack

Our immune system is the body’s first defense against such contingencies.  When it fails (as it sometimes does) and we still get sick.

A weak response results in the virus or bacteria multiplying too fast for our immune system to keep up, and therefore we succumb to sickness.

An overstimulated response, especially in the case of allergies, can produce sticky mucus and constricted airways that exacerbate the problem.

What’s the story with ImmunoMax? 

Beta-glucans are a group of active polysaccharides, a safe all-natural fiber molecule derived from cell walls in yeast, fungi and seaweed.  Beta-glucans have been called nature’s powerful medicine, being found to help heal wounds quickly and fight infections.  It is, in fact, the most researched natural immunomodulator.

The more soluble version of Beta-glucan is CM-glucan.

The development of CM-glucan

CM-glucan started with Mibelle Biochemistry, a Swiss company specializing in research and the development of active ingredients.  In 1994, it launched CM-glucan.  Led by Dr. Fred Zulli and a small team of technicians, CM-glucan was Mibelle Biochemistry’s first and, even after two decades, still top-selling active ingredient.

A healthy immune system is a balanced immune system.

An imbalance in the body’s immune system could be the root of many disorders. For people with asthma and allergic rhinitis, the immune system can be overreactive. This means it overdoes the defense strategy, causing unnecessary inflammation and production antibodies that may harm even healthy cells.

Therefore, there is a need to actively “balance” the immune system through a normalization process with help from an immunomodulator.

What are Immunomodulators?

Immunomodulators help calibrate the natural response of our immune system by stimulating it to raise its response when the body is under threat, and suppressing the response to a normal, non-harmful level.

About Beta Glucan

Βeta Glucans are immunomodulators that help make our immune system smarter. They appear to stimulate the entire immune system and boost resistance to various viral, bacterial, protozoan and fungal diseases and promote anti-tumor activity.

Beta Glucans have proven many benefits, not only for helping the immune system, but in combination with specialized medication, may also do a better job in fighting asthma, allergic rhinitis and even cancer.

CM-Glucan: The Better Beta-Glucan

CM-Glucan is derived from Beta-glucan that went through a Swiss patented process which makes it more potent and 100x more absorbable by the body.

Here are the benefits of CM-Glucan:

  • Reduces the frequency and duration of asthma.
  • Alleviates of allergic rhinitis symptoms in as early as 4 weeks, with effects lasting up to 2 weeks.

The Right Immunomax For You

Immunomax is a natural immunomodulator made with Pure CM-Glucan. Together medication prescribed by doctors, it helps reduce severity and recurrence of health conditions caused by an imbalanced immune system.

Immunomax is available in these variants:

  • Immunomax (Made with 10mg CM-Glucan per capsule) Adults with mild colds and asthma
Immunomax 10mg CM-Glucan Capsule
  • Immunomax Forte (Made with 30mg CM-Glucan per capsule) Adults with severe asthma and allergic rhinitis
Immunomax 30mg CM-Glucan Capsule
  • Immunomax Syrup for Kids (Made with 10mg CM-Glucan per 5mL) Kids with mild colds and asthma
  • Immunomax Forte Syrup for Kids (Made with  20mgs CM-Glucan per 5mL) Kids with moderate to severe asthma, primary complex and RTI

Whether it’s a cute, mousy squeak or a loud and heavy explosion, everyone has their own style of sneezing. But should we be concerned about the way our sneeze sounds? What could our sneeze tell us about our health?

Why do we sneeze differently?

Our sneezes may sound different but they happen for the same reason. A sneeze occurs when our nasal lining gets irritated by allergens like pollen, dust mites, or smoke. To get rid of these irritants, our chest muscles compress our lungs, sends a blast of air through our nose, and BOOM: we sneeze!

The sound our sneeze makes depends mainly on anatomy— particularly, the structure of our nostrils and our lung capacity. People with larger nostrils and lung capacity tend to have bigger, louder sneezes as more air escapes their nose and mouth. Other factors such as our personality and culture also play a part in creating our own unique-sounding sneeze.

Ok, so when should I be worried?

It’s not about how loud or soft it is, or how weird or distinct your sneeze sounds— it’s in how frequent it recurs. If your sneezing happens more frequent than normal, this could be a sign of Allergic Rhinitis. More tell-tale signs include a runny or stuffy nose, as well as red, itchy and watery eyes. Visit your doctor if you observe these symptoms.

Allergic Rhinitis could also be caused by an imbalanced immune system. You can reduce the severity of your symptoms with the help of Immunomax Forte with CM-Glucan! Start taking control of your sneezing with just one capsule a day.

Immunomax Forte is available in all leading drugstores nationwide.

Plan aheadPlan Ahead

If you’re planning an outdoor adventure, do a quick research on your destination. Make sure you choose a place that is fairly clean and unpolluted as contaminated air could set off your symptoms. If your asthma is triggered by hot and humid weather, schedule your outdoor activities at the right time. Avoid going out during the hottest part of the day, which is usually 11am to 3pm.
Get exerciseGet Exercise

Don’t be afraid to get moving! Moderate exercise, with proper guidance, can strengthen your body’s resistance to asthma. Swimming is actually a great summer activity for asthmatics since you get to work out and improve your breathing at the same time.
Be preparedBe Prepared

You can never be too careful so make sure to bring an asthma emergency kit with you. Have your inhaler, medication, and other medical instructions ready in one handy pack in case an asthma attack strikes.
Stay hydratedStay Hydrated

It’s important to drink lots of water when you’re under extreme heat, especially if you’re sensitive to hot and humid weather. Always carry a bottle of water with you and stay hydrated throughout the day.
Balance your immune systemBalance Your Immune System

An imbalanced immune system makes you more prone to asthma attacks. Before you go on your trip, make sure you bring back the balance with Immunomax Forte. Take 1-2 capsules a day or as prescribed by your doctor.
The Actual Cost of Getting Sick

You may think it’s no big deal, but getting sick frequently could be costing you more than you thought. There are other hidden, indirect costs that go with it, which can amount to way more if you keep ignoring your health problems.


The amount you spend on pills and tabs to relieve your fever, cough, and colds tends to increase the more you get sick. It may not seem like much at first glance, since they cost around 5 to 10 pesos a piece, but you could actually end up spending 10-20 times that amount per month if you get sick frequently.

Productivity Loss

You may not be missing a day of work but clocking in sick could still greatly affect your productivity. Sickness affects your focus and energy, which then causes you to do less work or lowers the quality of your work. Although not a direct monetary expense, the loss in productivity could have major repercussions.

Missing a Day of Work

When the sickness gets too tough, you’ll definitely need to stay at home for rest. Once you use up all your sick leaves, missing a day at work will lose you a day’s worth of salary—not to mention all the work that piles up and major events you can end up missing if you keep getting sick.

Visits to the Doctor

Doctor’s checkups and consultations, although necessary, can get quite expensive. And if your recurring sickness turns out to be a lot worse, the hospitalisation fees could immediately blow up the costs.

Instead of dealing with sickness when it happens, it’s better for your health and wallet to take preventive measures.

Recurring coughs and colds may be an effect of an unhealthy, imbalanced immune system, so try investing in Immunomax! Immunomax is an immunomodulator made with pure CM-Glucan, which only costs P16.75 SRP per capsule. One to two capsules a day, along with proper diet and healthy lifestyle, can help keep the sickness away.

Immunomax 10mg CM-Glucan Capsule
5 Simple Steps That Can Help with Asthma

After seeing your child experience their first asthma attack, you’d do ANYTHING not to let that happen again. Regular meds and treatment are still a must, of course, but you should also support that with preventive steps. The two key things in preventing another attack are: 1) reducing their exposure to asthma triggers, and 2) getting them in perfect shape to fight asthma.

Simple changes to your home environment or daily routine could mean the world of difference. Check out these easy asthma-control steps:

Choose Your FabricsChoose Your Fabrics

Dust mites and other allergens that can aggravate asthma symptoms could be hiding in that cute sweater hanging in their closet or in the blanket they use at night. Switch them out for hypoallergenic fabrics and try to avoid fuzzy fabrics in the future. Make sure to clean their sheets regularly with hot water to rid of dust mites and bacteria. For extra good measure, vacuum your beds, carpets, curtains and other areas of the house where dust could be hiding.
Work it OutWork it Out

Just because they have asthma, doesn’t mean physical activities are off limits. Regular exercise, with proper guidance, can actually help improve your kids’ breathing and overall fitness. Get them into the habit by working out with them! Ask your doctor about safe exercises or sports you can add to your routine.
Clear the AirClear the Air

Sometimes, simple household cleaning isn’t enough. Humid air traps pollutants and allergens, which could set off asthma symptoms. If your kids are sensitive to humidity, try having a dehumidifier in their room so they can breath nice and easy.
Add to Your DietAdd to Your Diet

Maintaining a healthy balanced diet overall is essential for asthmatics, but there are some foods that may help support lung function and help with your kid’s symptoms. Add foods rich in vitamin D (like milk and eggs), beta carotene (like carrots and leafy greens), and magnesium (like spinach) to your every day meals.
Bring Back BalanceBring Back Balance

When your kid’s immune system is imbalanced, it could easily overreact to certain triggers, which causes their asthma symptoms. To help prevent these attacks, try Immunomax Forte Syrup. Give them one half to one teaspoon a day or as prescribed by your doctors.
Glucan and immunomodulation: Helping the body heal itself

Several studies in the past few decades have been focused on immunomodulators, a group of naturally-occurring substances that have been found to regulate and modulate the body’s immune system. Its effects cover a wide range of potential benefits covering a variety of disease and sicknesses. Of these immunomodulators, beta-glucan presents some of the most promising results.

Beta-glucan is a known plant constituent, and the science community recognizes beta-glucan as a powerful immune stimulant and antagonist to both benign and malignant tumors. It is also known to lower cholesterol and triglyceride level, normalize blood sugar level, heal and rejuvenate the skin, and fight against infections.

Sources and differences in glucans

Glucans are derived from different sources and have different structures and molecular weight. These differences have a large impact on the activity of beta-glucan. Large molecular weight beta-glucans (such as zymosan) can activate leukocytes, stimulate phagocytic, cytotoxic, and antimicrobial properties. Low molecular weight beta-glucans have a biological activity but the cellular effects are vague, while very short beta-glucans are considered to be inactive.

Depending on location, researches about beta-glucan in Euro-America were based on the immunomodulatory effects of zymosan – a mix of polysaccharides isolated from the cell walls of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). It stimulates macrophages and prompts the release of cytokines. Upon detailed examination of zymosan, beta-glucan was identified as the part which had the primary effect. In Asia, Japan’s tradition of using medicinal mushrooms led to the discovery of beta-glucan. The detailed studies on the biological effects of mushroom concluded that the main cause of immunomodulation is due to beta-glucan.

Glucan as an immunostimulant

Beta-glucan is recognized as an immunostimulant. The binding of beta-glucan to specific receptors activates macrophages and phagocytes, and leads to the secretion of cytokines and other substances that initiate inflammatory responses.

In addition, beta-glucan is widely used against both bacterial and protozoan infections. It enhances the efficacy of antibiotics against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The protective effect of beta-glucan was observed in experimental infections with Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus suis, Mesocestoides corti, Trypanosoma cruzi, Eimeria vermiformis, Bacillus anthracis, Leishmania major and L. donovani, C. albicans, Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium berghei.

About 40 years ago, the anti-tumor activity of beta-glucan has been noticeably demonstrated. The recent studies regarding beta-glucan demonstrated that it actively works with antibodies. These antibodies naturally occur in different cases of cancer. Further experiments also showed that daily therapy with beta-glucan resulted in a 70%-95% reduction in tumor weight compared with the control group.

Soluble beta-glucan is CM-glucan

Beta-glucans from baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) possess low solubility which makes it difficult to be absorbed. With the process of carboxymethylation, beta-glucan transforms to CM-glucan (carboxymethyl-glucan or sodium carboxymethyl beta-glucan). CM-glucan is a highly soluble glucan that can be readily absorbed by the body. It has enhanced ability to bind with glucan receptors which stimulates the generation of macrophages and neutrophils, and enhances phagocytosis.

The stimulation of macrophage prevents the appearance of Th2 response which restricts asthma episodes, reduces the duration and severity of asthma attacks, and prevents occurrences of allergic rhinitis. CM-glucan may also lessen the frequency of recurrent colds and flu and respiratory tract infections. At the same time, it provides a suitable environment for patients undergoing treatment for tuberculosis. In general, CM-glucan provides a shorter duration of treatment and faster recovery from infections and diseases.

As discussed earlier, CM-glucan has been proven to have anti-tumor activity. It modulates innate and adaptive immunity, stimulates hematopoiesis after multiple doses of radiation, increases the total leukocyte counts which may result in cancer prevention and good outcome of therapy, reduce side effects of cancer treatment, and improve the quality of life as the disease progresses.

CM-glucan also showed beneficial effects on the skin. It protects skin cells against the decrease of antioxidant molecules due to UV-A exposure and promotes the growth of keratinocytes. Keratinocytes forms a barrier against bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses, heat, UV radiation, and water loss. In various studies, the pretreatment of skin with CM-glucan offered considerable protection against skin damage caused by a detergent or UV-A irradiation. In addition, CM-glucan also enhanced the renewal rate of the stratum corneum.

In conjunction with these effects, the carboxymethylation and increase in solubility of glucan do not show any toxicity and adverse effects, but it enhances the biological properties such as antioxidant and immunomodulation compared with insoluble beta-glucan.

Through various researches and experiments, the use of glucan to stimulate the immune system and to fight against infections has been established for a long time. With the carboxymethylation of beta-glucan, the increase in solubility brings more beneficial and enhanced properties compared with what the beta-glucan already offers.

Effects of Glucan on Respiratory Illness

It is every human’s instinct to protect its own. From the second you were born, you were cradled and protected by your mother. And as you grew, so did your immune system, your body’s natural defense.

The immune system is a series of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against ‘foreign invaders’. These invaders are usually microbes such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi that cause infections. When these infectious organisms invade your body, the immune system defends your body and heals itself.

How does the immune system defend the body?

The body has two defense mechanisms: the innate immunity and adaptive immunity.

Innate immunity is the barriers of the body against infection that we are born with. These are the skin, the acid in stomach, tears, mucus in the mouth and nose, and the cells in the blood stream that can destroy bacteria. Innate immunity is the first-line of defense against invaders. The two key first-line defenders are phagocytes (macrophage) and natural killer (NK) cells. When bacteria try to invade the body, phagocytes and NK cells identify, absorb and destroy the bacteria.

However, some bacteria are cleverly disguised, and the first-line defenders are not able to identify and destroy it. This is when the adaptive immunity comes into place. B and T cells are the main players of the adaptive immunity. When bacteria survive against the macrophage and NK cells, B cell produces antibodies that attach themselves to the bacteria. This attachment will make the bacteria identifiable to the macrophage and NK cells, which then destroys it.

In addition, adaptive immunity is the concept behind immunization or vaccination. By adapting to specific bacteria or virus, the body becomes immune to infection caused by the same bacteria. Upon vaccination, the body prepares antibodies against specific disease so it can prepare for a possible infection in the future.

Balancing the Immune System with Immunomodulators

As we age, several factors may increase or decrease the immune function. Alcohol, stress, aging, harmful bacteria and viruses can decrease the immune function. Meanwhile, exercise, probiotics, herbs and food can increase the immune function.

To regulate and normalize the immune function, immunomodulators are used. Immunomodulators can normalize the immune system of a person with overactive immunity (immune suppression), or boost the immune system of a person with low immunity (immune stimulation).

There are various natural immunomodulators around us. Astragalus, curcumin, ellagic acid, chlorella, Echinacea, resveratrol, vitamin C, and glucan are among them. However among these natural immunomodulators, which one is the best for you? We have to choose the one that is backed by scientific evidence.

Beta-Glucan and CM-Glucan

Beta-glucan is the most known immune stimulant. It is a natural polysaccharide from a variety of plants such as oats, barley and seaweed. Among the various sources, Saccharomyces cerevisiae or baker’s yeast has been studied expansively for its immunomodulatory potential. However, beta-glucan derived from yeast has low solubility and makes it difficult to be absorbed.

To address the problem of solubility, carboxymethylation of beta-glucan transforms it to CM-glucan (carboxymethyl-glucan or sodium carboxymethyl beta-glucan). CM-glucan is a highly soluble glucan that is readily absorbed by the body. It binds with glucan receptors in the white blood cells and stimulates the production of macrophages, neutrophils and other cells that carry specific beta-glucan receptors on their surface.

In addition, CM-glucan also enhances the antioxidant and immunomodulation properties of beta-glucan since it can cross the gastrointestinal wall without causing damage to the digestive system.

The properties of beta-glucan as mentioned above have been observed in a variety of conditions: as an antagonist to benign and malignant tumors, an immunonutrient for athletes, and an adjuvant treatment for respiratory infection, allergic rhinitis and stomatitis. It also lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels, normalizes blood sugar level, and heals and rejuvenates the skin. Aside from being an immunostimulant, beta-glucan also possesses a broad anti-infective property against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, Pneumocystis carinii, and others. This property is especially advantageous in the Philippines since seven out ten of the leading causes of illness in our country are due to infections.

Glucan for  Better Respiratory Health

In 2010, respiratory infection, pneumonia, and bronchiolitis were reported as the top causes of illness in our country. In line with this, the use of beta-glucan to reduce the recurrence of respiratory infections is proven by various studies.

A study by Talbott S and Talbott J (2010) compared the use of placebo and glucan in moderately-to-highly-stressed patients for symptoms associated with respiratory infections and physiological well-being. The patients using glucan reported fewer symptoms of respiratory infection, better overall health, increased vigor, and decreased tension, fatigue and confusion compared with placebo.

The same authors (2009) also studied beta-glucan in marathon athletes. The study concluded that beta-glucan supplementation helps maintain the immune function in endurance athletes, reduces post-exercise upper respiratory infections in marathon runners.

The maintenance of immune function is linked with improved mood state, reduced fatigue, and increased vigor in athletes. A study by Richter et al (2015) concluded that short-term oral use of beta-glucan encouraged better physical endurance in children with respiratory problems and enriched their mucosal immunity.

CM-Glucan exhibits properties that strengthen the immune system. This may result in reduced frequency of recurrent colds and flu, reduced frequency and duration of asthma episodes, absence or reduced frequency of respiratory tract infections. It also provides a better environment for patients under treatment for tuberculosis, and helps shorten the duration, treatment and speed the recovery from infections and disease.

With the threat of respiratory infections in our country, it is important to provide our body with the proper defense mechanism to ward off possible infections and complications. The use of CM-glucan as immunostimulant gives us that added boost that our body needs to keep us healthy and well.