CM-Glucan’s Solubility: It’s Not Magic, It’s Carboxymethylation

Think of the immune system as if it’s a superhero with special powers that could save us from danger. But just like any superhero, our immune system also needs an efficient sidekick to fight threats and that role goes to Beta-Glucan. Beta-Glucan is an immunomodulator known for helping the body produce more antibodies to fend off harmful invaders such as viruses. However, Beta-Glucan is completely insoluble in water which makes it hard to be absorbed by the body. This is where Carboxymethylation enters the picture.

Carboxymethylation is an intricate Swiss-patented process that makes CM-Glucan – a 100x more absorbable form of Beta Glucan. This process takes place by adding carboxy acid group into the molecules and the sodium from the acid group makes the Beta Glucan water soluble, thus, transforming it into CM-Glucan. Because of the high solubility of CM-Glucan, it greatly improves the way the immune system recognize pathogens and helps our immune cells wash out diseases more aggressively.

Along with proper diet, and exercise, CM-Glucan functions as a helpful natural immunomodulator that aids in the balancing of the immune system. After all, it won’t be monikered “The Better Glucan” for no reasons. Make your immune system strong and balanced now with CM-Glucan!

Amidst all the challenges we are facing, experts were able to come up with an aid to provide us protection against recent health threats. But the risks are still here, continuously coming out in different forms. That’s why we shouldn’t let our guard down and continue taking care of our immune system.

When harmful substances are detected, our immune system produces antibodies. Once the antibodies recognize foreign invaders, some eliminate them directly while some help the white blood cells in destroying the threats. This is why the production of antibodies is essential.

To help our immune system produce more of them, we can rely on the help of supplements along with proper diet and exercise. Immunomodulator Beta Glucan can help the body produce more antibodies compared to Vitamin C. Beta Glucan has a water-soluble form called CM- Glucan which went through a Swiss-patented process to make it 100x more absorbable by the body. It also helps keep the immune system balanced.

Help your immune system and keep yourself protected with CM-Glucan.

There’s no denying that our immune system needs more help during these trying times. Along with proper diet and exercise, our immune system can be balanced through the help of immunomodulators.

Natural immunomodulators like Beta Glucan help our immune function respond better to a threat. But, as current health risks continue to evolve, our immune system needs a stronger helping hand.

CM-Glucan is a water-soluble form of Beta-Glucan that went through a Swiss-patented process called carboxymethylation. It’s 100x more absorbable by the body which ensures all essential nutrients are delivered to our organs.

CM-Glucan also produces more antibodies vs Vitamin C. More production of antibodies helps in blocking the infectivity of viruses, fungi, and parasites.

Balance your immune system now with CM-Glucan.

More than just the bad weather, the wet season also comes with many threats on the health of your kids. The good thing is there are things that could help prevent your children from getting sick. And when you find the right balance in doing all these things, your kids stay safe and healthy during the rainy days.

Maintain good hygiene in the household

Keeping your house clean during the monsoon season prevents many potential health risks caused by insects, gutter leaks, and murky water. By doing this, it’ll help your kids avoid bacteria and viruses that are prevalent in this season.

Add more food rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants to their diet
We all know that a balanced diet plays a key role in maintaining the immune system but during this season, it’s better to increase the intake of protein and omega-3 fatty acids to your children’s diet to further enhance their immune response. On the other hand, consuming more antioxidants would be essential in helping your kids fight bacteria and viruses.

Do light exercises
The cold weather is likely to make your children more sedentary and reduced movements increase the chances of weakening our immune system. So better make sure to do sufficient exercises inside home to maintain good health and strength.

Balance their immune system with the help of immunomodulators
Having a balanced immune system is important in fighting off viruses. With proper diet and exercise, taking immunomodulators help in maintaining the balance in the immune system.

Sources: you-from-falling-sick-226 2074 rainy-season free-in-monsoon/story-OzxMrJOuupr2X3InQpx86O.html

Balance is key when it comes to taking care of our children’s immune system at home. To keep your children’s defense strong against threats these days, it is important to put fun and health together in improving their health.

Do creative physical activities

Exercising can be intimidating even for kids so why not engage them in imaginative play that will make them active without even noticing! A simple playtime with the house dog or some enjoyable dance videos for children can make your child move and sweat.

Hail Hydration

We all know that hydration is good for our overall health but its benefit in improving the immune system is often overlooked. Blood plasma is about 90% water which makes hydration essential in transporting fluid, nutrients, and necessary signals to the organs. Investing in fun, colorful water jugs can make hydration a bit more fun for kids.

Add a dash of being extra to your cooking

Ensuring kids eat their vegetables can be quite a challenge. But with the help of cookie cutters and some creative plating, healthy eating can be happy eating for kids too! Daily servings of balanced meals comprised of vegetables, well-cooked meat, and fruits can help in boosting the immune system of kids (and adults too!).

Make sure they get enough sleep

While having fun is great in keep your children healthy, rest is important too! When we sleep, our immune system produces cytokines that are needed in fighting infections, inflammation, and stress. So, make sure your children get eight (8) hours of sleep every night.

Get help from immunodulators like CM-Glucan.

Immunomodulators help in regulating or balancing the immune system.

Sources:,production%20of%20these%20 protective%20cytokines.

Our immune system serves as our bodies’ defense against viruses, germs, and harmful substances. It is a complex system of organs and cells that requires balance and harmony to work efficiently.

Balance plays a significant role in the body’s immune response. An immune response takes place when the immune system is activated and responds to the foreign invaders detected in the body.

If the immune system succeeds in fighting off the virus that entered the body, then that means it is likely balanced and it will keep the person from getting sick. However, when the immune system is imbalanced, which results to the body being susceptible to fever, coughs, and other infections it may become underactive caused by viruses.

Along with proper diet and exercise, one way to keep our immune system balanced to fight viruses is through taking immunomodulators. Immunomodulators aid in improving and optimizing the body’s response to sickness.

One example of an immunomodulator is CM-Glucan, a form of beta-glucan that is 100x more soluble, which helps balance the immune system. Immunomax is a food supplement made with pure CM-Glucan. It is available at leading drug stores in these variants: Immunomax Syrup, Immunomax Forte Syrup, Immunomax Capsules, and Immunomax Forte Capsules.


Allergic Rhinitis (AR) is not a stranger to many Filipino households. The general population’s living conditions, our climate, and pollution go together in contributing to the prevalence of AR in the country.

One study shows that house dust mites (HDM) are the most common indoor allergens for Filipinos. Dust mites are tiny bugs lurking in our homes that can be found in dust from our carpets, furniture, beddings and even stuffed toys. While these creatures are everywhere, they are more likely to be around in places with hot and humid climates like the Philippines. With that said, the allergic reactions to HDM in highly urbanized Metro Manila is reported to be 85%.

Many houses in the country are also home to pesky cockroaches which could trigger AR too. In fact, cockroaches also top the list of sensitizing indoor allergens for Filipinos.

Meanwhile, grass is the most common outdoor allergen in the country. Allergies to grass are very common and one example is AR. Grass pollens are harmless airborne substances, but they can trigger allergic reactions when our immune system mistakes them as a threat.

These common allergens in the country will always be everywhere to trigger our Allergic Rhinitis. That is why it is time to manage our AR by keeping our immune system balanced.
CM-Glucan is a natural immunomodulator that can help in reducing the severity and recurrence of health conditions associated with having an imbalanced immune system.

Immunomax is a food supplement made with pure CM-Glucan. It is available over the counter in leading drug stores nationwide.


Having allergic rhinitis (AR) and asthma come with many struggles, making each day a little bit harder to go through. A body that goes through these conditions indicates an imbalanced immune system—something we don’t want to have in these unprecendented times.  

The immune system of people with asthma and allergic rhinitis are usually overreactive. This means their immune system has unnecessarily react to stimuli like pollen or allergens, causing inflammation and production of antibodies which can be a danger even to healthy cells.

With overreactive immune systems, the solution is all about balance. A balanced immune system means that cells can more accurately determine if triggers are indeed harmful or not, and then react more correctly. This leads to a reduction of symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis, and a reduced number of asthma attacks. 

To get a more balanced immune system, look for an immunomodulator made with CM-Glucan. CM-Glucan is a more potent and 100x absorbable immunomodulator extracted from beta-glucan through a Swiss patented process. Together with proper medication prescribed by doctors, taking CM-Glucan can help in reducing the severity and recurrence of health conditions associated with having an imbalanced immune system like asthma and AR.

Immunomax is a food supplement made with pure CM-Glucan. It’s available at leading drug stores in these variants:

  • Immunomax (Made with 10mg CM-Glucan per capsule) Adults with mild colds and asthma
Immunomax 10mg CM-Glucan Capsule
  • Immunomax Forte (Made with 30mg CM-Glucan per capsule) Adults with severe asthma and allergic rhinitis
Immunomax 30mg CM-Glucan Capsule
  • Immunomax Syrup for Kids (Made with 10mg CM-Glucan per 5mL) Kids with mild colds and asthma
  • Immunomax Forte Syrup for Kids (Made with  20mgs CM-Glucan per 5mL) Kids with moderate to severe asthma, primary complex and RTI

Our immunity always needs a boost when it comes its resistance against many illnesses. Apart from proper diet and exercise, immunomodulators like beta-glucans are also essential in helping our immune system function better.

In the times we live in, our immune system needs all the help it can get: A better response by our bodies when it senses it is under threat. To do that, we can turn to CM-Glucan, also known as the “better glucan.”  

CM-Glucan is a water-soluble version of beta-glucan, made through a Swiss-patented process that makes it 100x more absorbable by the body. Because of this, CM-Glucan greatly improves the way our immune detects foreign threats against our body as well as helping our immune cells engulf diseases more aggressively. 

Immunomax is a food supplement made with pure CM-Glucan. It acts as a natural immunomodulator that help bring back the balance to our immune system. 

Take Immunomax daily!

Immunomax is available in these variants:

  • Immunomax (Made with 10mg CM-Glucan per capsule) for Adults
Immunomax 10mg CM-Glucan Capsule
  • Immunomax Forte (Made with 30mg CM-Glucan per capsule) for Adults
Immunomax 30mg CM-Glucan Capsule
  • Immunomax Syrup (Made with 10mg CM-Glucan per 5mL) for Kids
  • Immunomax Forte Syrup (Made with 20mgs CM-Glucan per 5mL) for Kids

Reliable information about health conditions like Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis (AR) are abundant online and we can’t deny anymore that we usually rely on them. It’s all because the internet gives easy access to most of the things we need to know about our conditions.

While it’s helpful on educating us about  taking care of ourselves, the internet can also be tempting enough for the many to do self-diagnosis.

Health articles, news, and some websites make great guides to help manage asthma and AR conditions. These sources are also great tools in knowing the medications that can help alleviate conditions but keep in mind to also consider seeing a doctor for a more accurate and professional diagnosis.

To sum it up, continuously educating yourself about your condition and getting professional help are the best ways to help achieve a better lifestyle.

The internet will be always there to inform you about health. You just have to find the right balance in using it responsibly. Always remember that it only serves as an aid and not a substitute for seeing an actual doctor.

If you are diagnosed by a professional with asthma or AR, you may want to ask them about immunomodulators like Immunomax and how it can be an adjuvant with your prescribed medications.